Welcome to Mary’s Biology!

Here you will find information on almost all the major systems of the human body. Although this website is currently under construction please feel free to log on regularly in order to see some of my new posts. Thank you!

Biology is a world of wonder! Some might think it’s boring but let me assure you, biology is the reason you and I are here today. Everything you see requires some sort of unimaginable form of science. You my friend are already using many parts of your unique systems at this very moment. Your eyes gliding over these words require you to use your nervous system, your fingers slowly scrolling down this page required you to use your skeletal system, your eyelids blinking that you unconsciously feel are due to your muscular system, and that very breath you just took came from a rapid exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your lungs located in your respiratory system. Biology is the reason I have created this website, and if you are just about as crazed as I am for knowledge on this marvelous topic then I insist on you following me through this miraculous website as I reveal some of the most fascinating details on the systems of the human body. Come along. You won’t be disappointed.


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